Why Everyone Should Write "Because everyone is full of ideas they're not aware of. Gut feelings. Intuition. "Writing crystallizes ideas in a way thinking on its own will never accomplish." Thank you, Morgan Housel @2017, for inspiring my first blog post in 7 months! I won't lie. It's been a stressful, emotional, hard-to-divulge-the-truth time period. I haven't had the heart or patience or confidence to put it all down in print. These last 7 months encompassed two college graduations (happy, fun, expensive)...a super quick trip to Barcelona and Italy (deliriously reinvigorating, can cry just thinking about it)...the NBA Draft (oh my gosh...can I just tell you...that was the most stressful, emotionally heavy event of my life...which, thank the dear Lord, ended wonderfully. Thank you, Jesus!); moving --twice; and helping my daughter navigate her future (still a work in progress but why I believe was put on this earth!). The bad n...
confessions of a news anchor mom, seeking an unscripted life