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Showing posts from July, 2014

Second Banana?

Courtesy: 20th Century Fox I saw Planet of the Apes last night and truly enjoyed it. Laughed at the "Monkey Braveheart" moments but really relished the heck out of the special effects. Plus, there is something powerful about seeing the soul through a simian's eyes. The whole experience helped me embrace a reality to which many of us can relate: being a second banana. My fabulous 4pm teammates! I'm pretty sure we've all felt that way at some point in our careers. In the news business, it's just part of the deal. I'll be honest with you, I've always preferred playing the lead--have needed the attention, the money, the LOVE in most seasons of my life. But then I had kids. And then they got older. And boy, did my desires evolve. When my children transitioned to junior high and high school and we moved to DFW, being Second Banana was sweetly convenient. I was hired as the 7-9pm main anchor of our independent station ...