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Showing posts from July, 2013

My Cure for Stupid

The brain research we report preaches it all the time: Use it or lose it. Not only have I been absolutely bored lately, but I've been feeling dumb. Like my once relatively sharp brain has turned to pudding. See, I can't even come up with a creative or witty metaphor! So yesterday I pulled into the place with the cure for stupid. I visited my neighborhood library. I admit it. I looked like a grandma. A crazy grandma. I actually walked the library aisles audibly muttering: "Tracy, what's speaking to you right now? What do you need to read?" I grabbed only the titles that made my heart flutter. Didn't want to overthink it. Six books and two books-on-tape later, I drove straight home, showered, put on my PJ's, and spent the evening rebuilding my diminishing brain cells. The library is serious brain crack. For the first time in months, I woke up today early and energized. I poured my first...

Finding Peace

I've been taught my whole life that feeling peace is the one sign you're on the right track--whether at work, in your relationships, or even while choosing the destination of your next vacation. Peace is the supernatural signal you're walking in God's light. Following His path. I realize this may not be everyone's definition. But for this girl who was raised by a tambourine-playing, Bible-reading, Spirit-filled mother who planned our summer vacations with Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker at Heritage U.S.A. and led her four children in praise and worship songs while driving from Florida to North Carolina in a Toyota hatchback with a twin mattress in the back--feeling at peace is the only way I want to live.  They keep getting taller! If you've read this blog or know me at all, these last few years with my pre-college kids have been exceptionally difficult for me. John, Nicole, and Luke have filled my life w...

The Newsroom Thief

It sucks to have someone steal from you. It hurts even worse when it's a co-worker. And it's doubly painful when it follows a few hours on a natural high. Yesterday, after filling on the 10pm news, I saw that someone had stolen the gift a friend sent me in honor of my son's high school graduation. I had left the large, rectangular gift box on my desk, covered in my typical piles of paperwork, notes, and scripts, trusting I had no reason to doubt the wonderful people with whom I work. But alas, someone swiped it. I've been broken-hearted ever since. Could barely sleep last night. Felt depressed from the moment I woke up. Have felt bummed out all day. I'm trying to shake my sheer disappointment in mankind. And I'm even more afraid of what I'll find when I go through the last few days of security surveillance tape. I hope the suspect is not a good friend of mine. That will really hurt. I am especially sad that this desktop robbery ...